Enzan: Chapter Thirty-Eight

Enzan Update 38 tiny

“Well! That was rather uncalled for, honey boo,” I huffed, floating around loosely among the dirty rubble of this once-standing castle. “Did you really have to blow everything up?” Dust swirled in the air as the energy from the huffy hunk dispersed and thinned, leaving the air to be absolute crystal again. Ah, there, now I could see more properly. “There you are, Hate, tell me, what happened? What did you see?”

“Don’t talk to me, I’m done with you,” the little dark soul grumbled, floating around in angry circles. Poor thing, couldn’t see, he probably didn’t even notice.

I came over to Hatesey poo and watched as he unknowingly made circles around me. Haha, yes, that was funny. “Aw, come on, you still need me, I know you do,” I insisted. “You’ll never find your way to another body at this rate, I mean you just killed every human in sight for at least a mile! Much less somebody steaming with hatred.

“Shut up!” he hissed, speeding up his pace and racing around me as he attempted to race away from me. Very amusing, it was very amusing to watch him. “I don’t need you, I don’t need any of you filthy traitors!”

Well, I certainly didn’t know what that was about, but whatever. Was he talking about all the beautifully hot security men? The classy ladies and cute babies that had been gazing around the castle? What had they ever done to Hate? I turned my attention to the little orbs floating around idly in the sky, like an unattended graveyard. They were so cute! And quite a great deal of them quite lusty. “Aw, come on, Hatesy-watesey, you know that’s not true. You need me like a fish needs water! How will you ever find your way around without me?”

“I should have fucking gone deaf,” he hissed in response, speeding around even faster. “It wasn’t worth it! It wasn’t fucking worth it! I don’t need you, I can find my way on my own! Now stop following me!!”

Aw, wee lamb. “Yes you do, love muffin, trust me! I’m not following you. You’ve been chasing your own trail for the past 10 minutes,” I giggled.

My words seemed to stick and Hate stopped where he was, attempting to get a grasp of his surroundings, of where I was, of where to go.

“See? You need me, sweetie. Don’t worry though, I have 20/20 vision, quite the best guide you could get, I’d say!”

“I agree,” a lovely lady’s voice said, one I didn’t recognize, but the change in the atmosphere told me it was definitely somebody hot.

I turned directions to lay my gaze on an absolutely stunning woman, with gorgeous dark skin, hair as white as the blinding sun, and around her head was a wreath of fire! Magnificent! By God I wanted a body like that, what a statement! I had to make contact, make her lustful. “Why hello, my sweet, shimmering gem! You’re a sight amongst this rubble, you are. How can we help you?”

“First of all, don’t even think about it,” she grimaced, pointing a stern finger at me. What, she could read thoughts? That was pretty hot too. “And secondly, yes, why I could actually use your help! That would be amazing! Help me take these souls to their passing, huh? Come on, not an option,” she winked at us. Winked! Ha! I like this lady.

“Oh, certainly anything for a doll like yourself! But please, please do introduce yourself, you’re quite lovely! We ought to go out for tea and get to know each other,” I insisted, floating over to inspect this lovely lady from all angles.

“Hey, hey, souls first, then we’ll talk,” she chuckled, swatting me back in Hate’s direction and putting her hands on her hips. “I expect a couple of demons like yourselves know how it’s done, huh? So I’ll skip the tutorial,” she said, lifting up a hand in the air and swirling it around, the idle souls starting to spin and catch fire as she transferred some of them to Hell. “Come on! I’m not doing all this work by myself!”

“Oh! Well, uhm, spiritual energy isn’t quite my thing,” I chuckled. “Hatesy poo, honey face, you do the honors of helping the lady, won’t you?” I nudged the black floaty orb.

“No!” he hissed, scooting away from me. “I am no slave to the angels! Get that heathen away from me!!” I could tell Hate wanted to run, but he was still so blind and disoriented he wouldn’t do much better than to go in circles, and I’m sure he didn’t want to embarrass himself like that again, not in front of someone so spectacular.

“No? Hm, that’s too bad. I was gonna let you guys live if you helped me out, but I guess you’d rather go back to Hell too,” she sighed, taking all the human’s souls for herself with a graceful swoosh of her hand.

“Oh, no no no no! No, darling, please, no, I just got here, I can’t go back to that stinky place!” I pleaded, floating around her frantically.

She chuckled at me and caught my soul in her hands as I spun, bringing me up to look into her brilliant blue eyes, a nice cornflower blue, how pretty they were. “Calm down, calm down, I’m just kidding! I can’t kill you guys, it’s against the Big Guy’s orders,” she snorted.

The Big Guy? Izanagi? “Well, I’ll be! You sure do like to yank chains, don’t you, my love?” I giggled. “Tell me! Tell me, please! What’s your name?”

“Cama, Archangel of Love,” she said, letting me go to float about at will. “Izanagi sent me to pick up the souls your buddy there just bulldozed,” she sighed, running a hand through her gorgeous, long hair. “Kaid’s outta town, so I’m filling in.”

“Love! Oh, I know Love, well sort of. I’m the best lover there is, in any case,” I insisted. Oh, what I wouldn’t do for a body right about now! If only I could seduce her.

“Yes, yes, and you’re Catherine, demon of Lust, I know, I got the whole file, believe me,” she chuckled, showing no signs of being interested in anything but my obvious extreme charms. “And your friend is Elliot Solomon, High King of the Scottish Northern castle of Edinburgh, isn’t that right, your majesty?” she snorted.

Hate growled and made no attempt to converse with such a beauty. Shame! She was quite lively.

“Good to meet you too. Now listen, you both, Izanagi also sent me to bring you a message. That’s not usually my job, but whatever, gotta do what I gotta do. Besides, you’re lucky to hear it from me than Kaid anyway, I mean he’s so stiff,” she chuckled. “Right, so this is how it is. No more killing, kay? That’s a lotta work for me. Every time you kill somebody, I gotta be there to take them away, and that’s not even my regular job, alright! That’s way mega out of my way, I ain’t got time for that.”

“Oh, do forgive us, lovely Cama, do forgive us! I assure you it was quite the accident,” Well, it was for me anyway, not that I had much part in the actual killing.

“And no killing just to see me, because I know that’s what you’re thinking! That’s not gonna work, I can’t just make a body whenever I want anymore you know, gotta have the word from the Big Guy.”

Damn, that foiled my plans. “Oh please, but don’t think you have to only come visit when there’s a calamity, what about that tea? Can’t we have tea?” I asked her again.

“That’s very sweet, Catherine, but I’ve got work to do,” she chuckled. “Right, so no killing! And be good, alright? I got my eyes on you two. And so does Kaid, and so does Izanagi, ya hear? I mean it, best behavior! I won’t have any mass jobs like this to clean up. Nor am I going to patch you back together if you bust yourselves up! So be careful. Izanagi needs you. So don’t be stupid,” she snorted. Aw, look at her caring for a couple of demons.

“Will do, my darling, won’t happen again, I promise!” I said, floating back to Hate’s side to look at innocent and small as I could. “We’ll be absolute angels!”

“Oh, I’m sure you will,” she chuckled. “No killing!” she said again, pointing at us sternly. “Especially not from you, Solomon. You did quite enough of that when you were alive! Alright kiddies, I gotta get going,” she sighed. The ring of the church bell announced the start of the vespers, and by consequence Kaid’s arrival back at his post. “Take care! Be safe! Be smart! Behave!” she said, bidding us both a kind farewell and letting her body turn to dust as her gorgeous soul shot back into the heavens.

“She’s quite a catch!” I said to Hate, giving him a nudge, to which he growled. “Wouldn’t you say? Please do kill as much as you like, I would love to see her again, if only in spirit!”

“No,” Hate grumbled, scooting away from me. “I have no desire to see any more angels. Kill for yourself, I’m through with you,” he huffed, turning around to cautiously float around and desperately sense for a human to cling to.

Poor, poor baby. “Ah, but you still need me, you know. Come on, I’ll guide you to a nice hunk with a ripe, hateful heart, how’s that sound? No distractions, promise, promise, cross my heart.”

Hate sighed in defeat. “Fine. Lead me.”

“Oh yes! Oh goodie!” I giggled, coming over to his side to nudge him the correct direction that lead back towards the city. “We’ll get coffee after, huh? I’m sure you could use it after your doozy episode.”

“No. I want to go elsewhere,” he growled, obviously not too pleased with the proximity.

“Hm? Elsewhere? Where else is elsewhere, baby cakes? I’ll make it happen if I can!” I promised.

Hate’s soul grew darker and heavier than usual, his mind full of brooding thoughts I couldn’t quite read. “The graveyard,” he said after a moment. “To settle some unfinished business.”